6 Things To Do During a Day Trip to Segovia, Spain

Last Updated on September 15, 2023

Traveling from Madrid to Segovia is a lot easier than you may have thought.

Segovia, Spain

If you’ve been considering taking a day trip to Segovia, you may be wondering how to spend a single day visiting the city.

Segovia is one of Spain’s most historic and fascinating day trips. Positioned just 27 minutes away by RENFE high-speed train, you can also easily go by bus or by car. Either of those options will take slightly longer at just over one hour of travel time each way.

The city has a Roman aqueduct, an incredible cathedral, an enchanting castle, and so much more – including a special dish it is famous for all around the world!


Segovia is widely known for its amazingly well-preserved 2,000-year-old aqueduct built during the Roman times.

The Aqueduct of Segovia

It is composed of massive stones pieced together without mortar. Coined a “mortar-less miracle,” the choice to build the structure without mortar was most likely imposed due to the lack of limestone to make cement in this part of Spain.

Somewhat ironically, the structure’s lack of cement may have contributed to its longevity by giving it the ability to flex and withstand small earthquakes.

No cement between the stones of Segovia's aqueduct

That means the stones are relying on gravity to stay put! Yes, all 20,400 of them.

Next time you visit, you can stand off to the side of the aqueduct to appreciate its 167 arches measuring over 93 feet tall at the highest point.

My friends at the Aqueduct of Segovia


Plaza San Martin
Image Source: Venturists

As suggested by the Venturists, you can treat yourself to some traditional Spanish tapas while enjoying the beauty around Plaza San Martin.

La Esquina de Tapas y Cañas in San Martin Plaza is a centrally located choice for tapas and a glass of wine!


Segovia's Plaza Mayor

A really beautiful area in Segovia is Plaza Mayor. This large, open plaza is usually buzzing with people strolling around. The popular plaza overlooks the Segovia Cathedral (our next destination on the list!).

Plaza Mayor is great place to grab something refreshing while you appreciate the liveliness of people coming and going through the main city square. A Spanish beer could be a great choice. Simply stop by any bar and kindly say, “una cerveza por favor.” 😊

Plaza Mayor in Segovia


The Segovia Cathedral is a Gothic-style Roman Catholic cathedral located in the main square (Plaza Mayor) so you definitely can’t miss it.

The Segovia Cathedral

The church is dedicated to the Virgin Mary and was built in the Flamboyant Gothic style familiar to the mid-16th century.

The cathedral’s tower claims to be the highest point in all of Segovia.

The Cathedral in Segovia is Tall
Image Source: Spain.info

Visiting the Cathedral of Segovia was €3 at the time of my visit. You could pay more to take an hour-long tour of the tower. The tours were only offered in Spanish and I skipped it, but I heard it is worthwhile even if only for the views.

The highest tower on the Segovia Cathedral

You can purchase tickets at the Cathedral in person or online if that is what you prefer!


El Alcazar de Segovia is one of Spain’s most famous castles. Located alongside the Old Jewish Quarter sits the castle.

Alcazar of Segovia

Rumor has it that this very castle was a source of inspiration for Walt Disney while creating Cinderella’s Castle.

Disney castle

As pointed out by one of my friends, the Alcazar also looks a bit like Hogwarts from the Harry Potter Universe!

The Rocky Safari at the Alcazar of Segovia with friends.


Dozens of restaurants all compete in Segovia claiming to serve the best cochinillo.

During my very first visit to Spain in 2016, I learned that Spaniards eat all parts of the pig. It’s sort of a running joke that in Spain, no part of the pig goes to waste!

Asador Maribel

For any pig to officially be considered “cochinillo,” there are very specific guidelines established which include what the pig can be cooked in. Traditionally, the piglet is roasted as a confit in duck fat.

The guidelines even go as far as specifying what the mother of the suckling pig may be fed!

Dozens of restaurants all compete in Segovia claiming to serve the best cochinillo.

Dining with friends in Segovia

My friends and I chose to have dinner at Asador Maribel.

Serving cochinillo from Segovia

If ever I were to revisit Segovia, I would happily return there as it did NOT disappoint (it actually far exceeded my expectations!) Although I would probably just as happily try someplace new simply for the experience of comparing the cochinillo to where I ate it the last time.

On average, cochinillo will cost around 27 Euros per person.

If you visit Segovia and you eat meat, cochinillo is a must-try!


Segovia is a really lovely city and I can’t say enough great things about it. If you’ve discovered any hidden gems during your visit, feel free to share them down in the comments!

Were there any notable places you would recommend? Let us know!

Rocky in Segovia


  1. Kelly Chan

    You’re so welcome!!! I hope the Madrid/Segovia posts help with planning. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or want other suggestions! 😃 I hope you have a great trip!

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The Rocky Safari