I Can’t Stop Playing with Brookstone’s Sȧnd

Last Updated on May 30, 2021

I recently purchased Sȧnd from Brookstone along with their circular Executive Sȧnd Box. Sȧnd is composed of 98% ordinary sand and 2% special polymer. It is sold in a container that holds 2.2 pounds of the stuff.

The executive sandbox only holds around 12 ounces of sȧnd so you’ll have quite a bit leftover (as you can see in the image above.) That’s fine though because sȧnd never dries out. You can store the extra sȧnd in the original container or out in the open.

You’d be surprised how addicting this stuff is to play with. It has a very zen-like feel to it. It’s both peaceful and relaxing to play with. You can “pack it, pull it, shape it, and love it,” as the branding on the side of the jar explains.

If you asked me how to describe what it feels like, I’d compare it to wet sand at the beach. It has the same cool temperature and mushy feel to it. You can cut designs into it with shaping tools (or a seashell if you have one) and pack it into a castle, just as you would with real sand.

I know it’s kind of silly (my family makes fun of me for being so entertained by it) but it’s truly a lot of fun to play with when you’re just sitting around. I like to shape and mold the sand while my mind is busy reflecting and planning other things. I bought a container for myself and for my boyfriend so now if we put our sand together, we can build a 4.4-pound sȧnd castle. How awesome! 😉

Sand by Brookstone


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The Rocky Safari