Having Anxiety About My First Legitimate Hypnosis Show

Last Updated on May 29, 2021

I’m going to keep this post on the shorter side because the more I think about this, the more anxious I become.

Up until now, most of my experience with hypnosis has been with more familiar audiences. I have hypnotized family, friends, and strangers in groups of varying sizes. My largest audience so far had around 75 people.

Over the summer, I shared my skills and abilities with more people than I ever have in the past. In fact, I even started a website and Facebook fan page.

One of the first organizations that found my page and contacted me ended up arranging a date for a legitimate show and that show is TOMORROW.

It’s one hour long and they told me to expect anywhere from 1 to 800 people to be in attendance. That range gives me anxiety. On one hand, I might not have a big enough audience to even have a show. On the other hand, I might have so many people there isn’t enough room to have a show. I am praying that I end up with a happy-medium.

I have my introduction all thought out as well as the beginning stuff. I’m still figuring out the details of the show itself but I have faith that it’ll all come together before my show. I’m so curious to see how this goes!

I’m really excited! And nervous. I want it to go smoothly. Fingers crossed.


  1. In Toastmasters, we always say have a strong beginning (which you do) and a strong ending and keep the middle loose–which is exactly the way you have it planned. I have no doubt you will do just fine, Rocky. Dazzle them with their talent!! Go for it!

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