My Spring 2015 Semester Courseload

Last Updated on September 29, 2023

Instead of taking 18 credits again like I did in the fall, I decided to take 16 credits this semester. However, I think this semester may actually turn out to be more challenging than the fall, despite taking fewer credits. Bio 2, Chem 2, Bio Lab, and Neuropsychology all seem like very time-consuming courses.

Anyway, this is what my schedule looks like now!

General Biology 2 & Workshop

I’m taking Biology 162 since I survived Biology 161 in the fall. I was worried I wouldn’t enjoy Bio 2 as much but after reading over the syllabus, I believe the topics covered might actually be more interesting than the ones covered last semester!

I’ll be learning about protists, immunity, nutrition, virology, fungi, and more.

Biology Laboratory

I get the feeling Bio Lab will be harder than Chem Lab. I actually had a rather negative first experience in Bio Lab last week but I’ll discuss what happened in a separate post. It was bizarre.

General Chemistry 2 & Recitation

The chem department wastes no time. We got right back into the swing of things.

Personality Psychology

I took Abnormal in the fall and now I’m taking Personality to help me decide what type of studies to pursue after I complete my undergraduate degree. I’m hoping this class will help make my decision easier. Also, we learn about the MBTI in this class and I’m pretty sure almost everyone knows about my minor obsession with that.


Last but not least: I’m taking Neuropsych! On day one, our professor said, “DO NOT take this class if you are taking Biology or Chemistry!” and I AM taking this class with Biology AND Chemistry. So yeah, that’s going to be fun!!! YAY!

I do believe this class is necessary in order to explore my interest in neuroscience. The class covers the biological side of psychology and it seemed like a good idea for a pre-med student to take it.

Please wish me luck this semester! 🙂


  1. A.n.

    Did you make it out alive?
    Currently I’m taking organic chem 2, bio 2, bio lab, an ra class, and a research class. I don’t think i’ll make it through….
    Also how is neuropsych?

    1. I did! I actually did quite well in all of my classes this time last year. I struggled with chem 2 but the rest of my classes weren’t so much of a problem. Have faith, you’ll survive your exams and do better than you think! Neuropsych is probably one of my favorite classes I’ve taken at Rutgers. This semester I am taking neuropsychopharmacology and that class is great too. By the way, you mentioned you’re taking an RA class. I’m an RA at Rutgers too! Which campus are you on? 🙂

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