The First Book I Ever Wrote: “The Best Holidays”

Last Updated on May 30, 2021

While going through old photo albums, I came across a few old treasures. Please make yourself a cup of coffee and sit down with me as we prepare to read through a six-page book I found that I wrote in 2001 at the age of 6.

The Best Holidays by Rocky

The Bas Hidas

The Best Holidays
Written and Illustrat-ed by Rocky

This book is dedicated to Mom because she is nice Nis.
(Sorry, Dad, you didn’t make the cut…)

It is Christmas. Is it Hanukkah? No.
It is New Years’. Is it Hanukkah? No.

It is Valentine’s Day. Is it Hanukkah? No.
It is Easter. Is it Hanukkah? No.

It is the 4th of July. Is it Hanukkah? No.
It is Hanukkah. Is it Hanukkah? Yes.

It is finally HNCK HANUKKAH! 😀


I gave this book to my Catholic parents for Christmas in 2001.


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