Last Updated on September 6, 2023
Just a few days ago, I decided to publish a post about my journey into the brotherhood of Delta Lambda Phi. Somehow or another, someone came across the post and it made its way to the front page of DLP, our fraternity’s national website!
When one of the brothers brought it to my attention, I was completely shocked.
But.. but.. my post? How!? I couldn’t believe it!
I clicked to read more:
Wow! That was so nice of them! I never expected my post to be noticed. I felt so honored that someone even liked it enough to share it! Shortly after, I started getting comments from brothers in my own chapter as well as from other chapters across the US. I even got a few Facebook messages from friends in Florida, California, and Massachusetts who found the article online- I thought that was kind of funny.
Anyway, to whichever Brother originally found my story and decided to share it on DLP’s website, I’d like to personally thank you! 🙂