Last Updated on September 6, 2023
“Life is a series of beginnings and endings. We leave one job to start another; we quit cities, countries, or continents for a fresh start; we leave lovers and begin new relationships. What was the last thing you contemplated leaving? What were the pros and cons? Have you made up your mind? What will you choose?” -The Daily Post
So relevant. I met with Dean yesterday and my Business School Advisor today to discuss my plans for transferring from the Business School into the School of Arts and Sciences in order to go Pre-Med.

As of right now, I’m debating what I should aim for as my new major and minor. Should I leave Rutgers Business School?
Marketing Major

Pros:Β I could stay in the Business School!
Cons: I would have to take boring classes like accounting, finance, and computer programming.
Management Major
Pros: I could stay in the Business School!
Cons: I would have to take boring classes like accounting, finance, and computer programming.
Psychology Major
(What I will most likely do)
Cons: People consider it easy. It’s a lot of people’s backup major. Most people major in Psychology plus something else but I don’t have time to double major anymore.
Biology Minor
Pros: A lot of my pre-med courses would fulfill the requirements for the minor. Only four extra classes.
Cons: Those four extra classes will be really difficult from what I hear.
Chinese Minor
(What I will most likely do)
Pros: I LOVE THE CHINESE LANGUAGE SO MUCH. I want to study abroad and earn credits in China!
Cons: I have to take a placement exam and I’m not sure how difficult the classes will be.
Keep in mind that whatever I choose to do, pre-med courses are a must. This means I’ll be taking a standard selection of courses in addition including Bio 1, Bio 2, Bio lab, Chem 1, Chem 2, Chem lab, Orgo 1, Orgo lab, Physics 1, Physics 2, Physics lab, Biochemistry, and Intro to Sociology.
In the Fall of 2014, I’ll have the Calculus, General Psychology, Expository Writing, and Research in the Disciplines requirements completed.
Talk to someone outside of the university. Don’t assume that your adviser doesn’t have enrollment quotas to assist with filling. The advice you’re given on campus may be what’s bets for campus or the adviser’s department, not what’s best for you. I actually just posted a fairly long piece on the subject less than 30 minutes after this post came up.
So… ask your parents or other adult relatives or family friends for advice. They’ll steer you better.
(Former TA here. I’ve seen things you wouldn’t believe…)
That’s so good to know! Thank you!!!
Part of me isn’t surprised to hear that things that go on behind the scenes. Luckily, none of my advisers have tried talking me out of something or tried redirecting my future. They are pretty supportive of whatever I choose to pursue!
I told my Business School adviser that I’m thinking of transferring out of RBS today and she handed me a paper to the Rutgers Major Fair later this month! π