Godiva Matcha Green Tea Truffles!

Last Updated on August 13, 2023

I went into Godiva today to claim my free monthly truffle since I head back to college in two days. I wanted to get the usual: a Marzipan Heart! Unfortunately, the employee told me the Marzipan Hearts are temporarily excluded from the promotional chocolates available for Godiva members. She explained how they’re really popular right now because of Valentine’s Day so they had to exclude it otherwise they would run out.

Marzipan Hearts from Godiva.

How disappointing! One of the only truffles I actually like. (Yes, I’m one of those weirdos who only likes chocolate if it’s like 99% pure cocoa or more.) The Marzipan Hearts are great because they areΒ dark chocolate andΒ they have marzipan inside! I love marzipan.

I began to browse. I may not have been able to get my lovely Heart but I certainly was not leaving without a little piece of chocolate. Almost instantly, I noticed something new! I thought it was a pistachio truffle (another one I don’t mind) but it actually wasn’t! It was the Matcha Green Tea Truffle!

Green Tea is one of my favorite flavors (only second to Red Bean). I had to try it.

The Matcha Green Tea Truffle from Godiva.

“Could I get this one please?” I asked the lady behind the counter.

“That one? Are you sure? The flavor is pretty potent…” she warned me.

“Oh, I’m sure it’s fine. I love green tea! Is this a new flavor? I’ve never seen it here before!” I said to her.

“It’s new! We made it for Chinese New Year!” she replied.

Ohhhhh that’s why! Now that made sense. How awesome of Godiva to acknowledge a Chinese holiday here in America!

I must say, the Matcha Green Tea truffle was great. The flavor was strong but I enjoyed it very much. I’d highly recommend the truffle to anyone who is a fan of both Godiva chocolate and the Green Tea flavor.

Now Godiva, please consider making a Red Bean Truffle! I’ll be the first in line! πŸ˜‰


      1. There is only one place around here which has Godiva chocolate for sale, and they sell the boxed chocolates and nothing else… But I will keep an eye out for any other chocolatiers selling those green tea truffles.. πŸ™‚

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