Weekly Photo Challenge: Family

Last Updated on June 26, 2024

When I think of “family,” two groups of people immediately come to mind. There are those who are related to me by blood and then those who are related to me through service.

This is a photo of me and my fellow friends from Key Club. We were all supposed to wear purple on November 17th of 2012 to support March of Dimes: World Prematurity Awareness Day.

Everyone in the picture served on the District Board and during our term, I can’t even begin to explain how close we became. We were constantly traveling together, attending meetings, you name it! Unfortunately, Key Club is only for high school students so I’m no longer able to be a member- though there is Circle K for college kids. I’m happy to say that most of my board still keep in touch. A few of us even had a mini-reunion over winter break! πŸ™‚

This was a picture I took of two objects -AKA my pins- the day I was installed as a Lieutenant Governor for my favorite community service organization. I still keep the one pin on my suit jacket to this day. It was a huge part of my life last year and it always stays that way.


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