The Special Animals in My Life

Last Updated on June 26, 2024

“Do you have animals in your life? If yes, what do they mean to you? If no, why have you opted not to? (Bonus points for adorable animal photos, and double bonus if they’re taken with yourΒ phone!)” -The Daily Post

At the moment, I have two cats and that is it.

I used to have a parakeet named Cyber. She was so precious. Sadly, she passed away for unknown reasons around two summers ago. I miss her so much! I’m SUCH a huge fan of birds. You may be wondering why I haven’t gotten another bird yet. The answer to that question is: Birds live a long time and realizing I would be leaving for college in 2013, it didn’t seem worth the sadness and heartbreak again of having to part ways.

This was Cyber! She loved climbing on my shoulder and sitting right under my face while I was studying.

Some day, when I’m out of college and settled in a home, I’m definitely going to get another bird. It’s most likely going to be either a green cheecked conure, a canary winged bee bee, a white bellied caique, or depending on what state I settle in (they are illegal in many places) maybe a blue quaker parrot. Here is a photo gallery of what they look like:

And then part of me just wants this puppy.

Japanese Chin

The Special Animals in My Life

The Daily Post posed an interesting question: “Do you have animals in your life? If yes, what do they mean to you? If no, why have you opted not to? (Bonus points for adorable animal photos, and double bonus if they’re taken with your phone!)” This got me thinking about the special animals that have been part of my life and the joy they’ve brought me.

My Furry Companions: Pepper and Cleo

Currently, I have two wonderful cats who have been with me through many ups and downs.


Pepper was adopted in 2003, and he’s been a steadfast companion ever since. He’s a bit of an elder statesman now, but his playful spirit hasn’t faded. Pepper is the kind of cat who knows when you need a cuddle and always seems to find the sunniest spot in the house to nap. His presence is calming, and his affectionate nature is a constant source of comfort.


Cleo joined our family in 2011. She’s a curious and adventurous cat who loves to explore every nook and cranny. Cleo has a knack for making you laugh with her antics and is always ready for a game of chase or a cozy snuggle. Her inquisitive personality keeps things lively, and she’s a great reminder to stay curious and playful.

A Fond Memory: Cyber the Parakeet

I used to have a parakeet named Cyber. She was incredibly precious and had a special place in my heart. Sadly, she passed away for unknown reasons around two summers ago, and I miss her terribly. Cyber was a vibrant part of my life and a testament to how deeply animals can touch our hearts.

Cyber loved climbing on my shoulder and sitting right under my face while I was studying. Her playful chirps and gentle presence were a constant source of joy. Birds are such fascinating creatures, and Cyber’s intelligence and personality were truly remarkable.

Cyber loved climbing on my shoulder and sitting right under my face while I was studying.

Why No New Bird Yet?

You might be wondering why I haven’t gotten another bird yet. The answer is simple: birds live a long time, and realizing I would be leaving for college in 2013, it didn’t seem worth the sadness and heartbreak of having to part ways again. The bond with a bird is profound, and knowing I couldn’t provide a stable, long-term home was a deciding factor.

Future Plans for More Feathered Friends

Someday, when I’m out of college and settled in a home, I’m definitely going to get another bird. Here are a few of the species I’m considering:

Cinnamon Green Cheek Conure

These conures are known for their playful and affectionate nature. They’re small but full of personality, making them a delightful companion.

White Bellied Caique

Caiques are incredibly energetic and fun-loving birds. Their acrobatic antics and cheerful disposition make them a joy to have around.

Blue Quaker Parrot

Quaker parrots are social and intelligent. While they’re illegal in some states, if I settle in a place where they’re allowed, a blue Quaker parrot would be a fantastic addition to my life.

Canary Winged Bee Bee

These small parrots are gentle and friendly. Their quiet nature makes them great companions for someone who enjoys a calm and peaceful household.

A Dream of Adding a Puppy

Part of me also dreams of getting a puppy someday. One breed that has caught my eye is the Japanese Chin.

Japanese Chins are known for their charming and affectionate nature. They have a dignified yet playful demeanor, making them wonderful companions.

The Joy of Animal Companions

Animals bring so much joy, comfort, and companionship into our lives. Whether it’s the purr of a contented cat, the chirp of a playful bird, or the wagging tail of a happy dog, these moments enrich our lives in countless ways. I’m grateful for the animals that have been part of my journey and look forward to the possibility of welcoming more furry and feathered friends in the future.

Do you have animals in your life? What do they mean to you? I’d love to hear your stories and see your adorable pet photos. Let’s celebrate the special bond we share with our animal companions!


  1. I am glad you are putting some thought into this. Birds, especially any type of parrot, can live for years, if not decades. Some people even put provisions into their wills for the care of their birds should the bird outlive them.

    1. Absolutely. Nothing makes me more mad than seeing birds in a pet store because I know people walking by will spot them, notice all of the pretty colored feathers, and buy one more as a novelty than anything else. It’s terrible. Some of these birds CAN live for decades and I think it’s important that every potential owner is educated about that before any official purchase is made!

  2. It is so wonderful that you’ve taken uni into your considerations! I know a lot of people who didn’t, and suddenly a host of birds were looking for new homes as their owners moved away. Cyber was so terribly cute! I have a real soft spot for budgies. Your cats are adorable, too. (I have to admit, I love felines, but they don’t mesh too well with birds, haha, so I’ll probably never own one again.)

      1. I highly recommend the Chin. Ours is as close to the perfect dog as I’ve ever had (and we’ve had a lot of dogs). Very calm, sociable. I can take her anywhere. The Quaker is my daughter’s, not the friendliest bird, though she seems to be getting better. She will pick a person and be sweet to that one, but if you are not her chosen person, look out. This weekend I seem to be the Chosen One πŸ™‚

        1. Hahaha ahh so many tough decisions! Both sound too cute. Luckily I have AT LEAST another 4 years to think about it since I’m about to embark on my college journey this fall!

          Thanks for the insight! I’ve always considered myself a bird person but now that I think about it, it would be nice to have a dog as a companion when I’m off and living on my own. I guess I’ll have to wait and see what happens. πŸ˜€

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