Will a Virtually Dating Trend Slowly Replace Online Dating?

Last Updated on March 27, 2021

The future is here. The days of logging onto OKCupid and creating self-boasting profiles with your likes, interests, and desires are just about over. Today, thanks to the recent leaps and bounds made in virtual reality technology, new types of dating are starting to appear. One of the most comical ideas that I felt compelled to share with you was an idea that I honestly think is television-worthy. They call it Virtually Dating.


Created by The Scene, the web series features short videos of two people getting set up on a blind date that takes place entirely inside of a virtual reality world. As of this morning, their web-series consists of five episodes with new videos being uploaded each week. At first I was weirded out by the whole idea but the more I thought about it, I realized the concept is actually brilliant. Such an awkward situation is a fantastic way to break the ice when you meet someone on a date for the first time.



The setup looks expensive but I could totally see this becoming a silly “to do” in five to ten years (if not sooner), similar to the “Escape the Room” team-bonding fad that took off in recent years. Once the technology becomes inexpensive and simple enough to operate, all you need is a white room and people looking to go on a unique date. It is going to be such a profitable business. Even with friends wanting to go on “virtual adventures together.” I can already envision the silly snapshots from virtual dates filling people’s Facebook timelines of the future. I’m positive this is going to take off.


Limbo with a Ninja!!!!


If it weren’t for Virtually Dating, how else could you assume the role of a crash-test dummy doing the limbo with a ninja? You probably couldn’t. I’ve seen virtual dates take place in ancient Egypt, the medieval times, under the ocean, heck, one guy literally brought his date all the way to the moon and back.


The Tall Tables Will Fall. Guaranteed.


Each episode features a similar structure. First, they get acclimated with one another in virtual form. This process usually includes accidentally knocking down the tall tables inside the club room. Then they get transported unexpectedly to someplace very dramatic haha. Pretty soon after, they are given physical sensors to hold that allow them to paint or “build” things together in a 3 dimensional environment around themselves. Β In one episode, they found themselves with zombies that could actually infect them if they let the zombies get too close! I think the fact that the surroundings are interactive makes the experience even more fun. At the end of the date, they have to decide whether or not they would like to go on a real-life date with the person. If they choose to, they stand before a divider that keeps them in suspense before finding out what the other person decided.

I like the happy endings.



  1. Lily

    INFP woman here and American living in Europe. Just stumbled on your blog. You’re a great writer, framing even tricky situations with grace and insight! You’ve taught me a lot with your experiences. Wish you the best!

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