Taking a Train to the Castilla-La Mancha Region of Spain

Last Updated on March 27, 2021

On December 30th, Jorge and I packed up our bags and left sweet little Chueca to catch a train to Jorge’s hometown. As sad as I was to leave Madrid behind, I knew exciting times were awaiting us both in the Castilla-La Mancha community.

When our train finally arrived, Jorge’s father met us inside the train station to bring us home. Their family kindly showed me all around their home and offered us a greatly appreciated lunch because both Jorge and I were starving after such a long day of travel. (We intended to bring snacks with us on the train but ended up not having the time to buy any..! ?) Regardless, I’m glad I arrived hungry because I was then able to try all of the wonderful foods they prepared! I tried so many amazing Spanish foods during my stay with their family – jamón ibérico, chorizo, sepia, berry-filled salads, turrón, fancy teas, the superb Spanish omelette (tortilla), and the great list goes on and on.

Heart-Shaped Bamboo
Happy to See the Bamboo Alive and Doing Well

It was delightful seeing Jorge’s family again. I haven’t seen his sister since the day I met her in New York City with Jorge and my own sister last summer. As for his parents, the same holds true. I haven’t seen either of them since they flew to the USA over the summer to meet my parents and visit New York, New Jersey, and California! It was a great reunion and I was happy to spend time with them in the country they come from this time around. In the short while I stayed with them, they taught me so much about Spain and the way their country works.

Having Tea with Jorge's Sister!
Having Tea with Jorge’s Sister!

At night, Jorge’s sister took the two of us out for tea at a really cool-looking place in town. We each ordered our own green tea that came with three small cookies. One of the things I loved about Spain was the prevalence of loose-leaf teas there. In the United States, finding a good quality loose-leaf tea (or any loose leaf at all!) can be tricky. If you order a tea in the US, I’d expect to receive a cup of hot water with a Lipton tea bag. Unless you’re inside of a Teavana, the whole loose-leaf culture just isn’t all that popular. But in Spain, it seemed very easy to find local shops with loose leaf teas. I loved it!



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