It’s My Time to Fly!

Last Updated on May 30, 2021

If you’re reading this, it means I’m on my way to China! I have a 26 hour flight ahead of me. I still can’t say for certain whether or not I’ll have internet access to updateΒ my blog over the course of the next 2 weeks but I’ll definitely try! Whatever the case may be, I’ll be documenting this tripΒ in my Moleskine Voyageur and taking lots of pictures too soΒ posts will come at some point or another! πŸ™‚

I'm Going to China
10 Day Countdown Until China
10 Day Countdown Until China

Posting this now since I didn’t get the chance to post it before.


  1. Craig J Golbach

    Rocky, I am so excited and happy for you. You are continuing the happy journey, that is your life. Can not hardly wait to hear more. . . πŸ˜‰ Travel safe and be well my friend.

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The Rocky Safari