Video: My TV Interview on Michigan Entrepreneur

Last Updated on June 5, 2021

As mentioned in my previous blog post, I was featured on a talk show! The show is called Michigan Entrepreneur and in this week’s episode, Tara Alexandra Kachaturoff talks with me about what it is like being a travel blogger, digital nomad, and entrepreneur.

For your viewing convenience, I’ve shared it here on my website for anybody who would like to tune in and watch!

If you prefer to jump into the slideshow, that segment begins here:

Post-Interview Reflection

After seeing the final playback, I felt compelled to put together a reflection video. Here, I share some of my thoughts and feelings and have an open discussion about what I would do differently next time.

Being interviewed on television is a daunting task for an introvert and I definitely had a lot of anxiety leading up to it. After watching the final playback, I thought it might be helpful to share some of what I learned about different skills like public speaking within an interview format, presenting slideshows, and appealing to a silent audience.

In this reflection, I really dive into the many lessons I learned here, various key takeaways, and other pointers that I’m walking away from this opportunity with.

I tried to go a bit more in-depth in the second video on the whole experience from start to finish and to talk about what I am going to work on in order to improve and to do better next time. I hope you all enjoy the interview and like hearing about this whole experience!


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