A Flamenco Dinner Date at Corral De La Moreria

Last Updated on May 29, 2021

Corral de la Moreria

Jorge’s parents recommended that he and I attend a dinner show at Corral De La Moreria: a famous restaurant and flamenco show seamlessly combined as one. We made a dinner reservation a few days in advance and showed up at our scheduled time. While the staff set up for the next show, we waited outside the building with everyone else who had booked reservations for the later showtime. Once the doors opened, a waiter led us inside to our table. Though the tables and chairs were packed together pretty tightly, we barely noticed it once the lights went off and the show began.

We looked through their fantastic menu filled with a delicious selection of Spanish cuisine. We both selected platters from a somewhat-predesigned three-course meal special on the last page of their menu. My first course included half a bottle of a fine red wine alongside roasted vine tomatoes stuffed with baby squid on top of squid ink risotto topped with Idiazábal cheese. It was through this incredible platter that I discovered my love for both squid and squid ink rice. ❤

I Love Squid

The main course that I selected included perfectly cooked free-range chicken covered in a sweet port sauce alongside soft Parmentier potatoes “sun Migas” which is a typical Spanish recipe made with fried bread and la vera paprika. Finally, a fancy dessert called, “The Five Textures of Chocolate” was served.

Corral de la Moreria Entrance View

Throughout the whole meal from start to finish, Jorge and I enjoyed an incredible spectacle of both singing and dancing from all of the Corral De La Moreria’s talented performers! The traditional Flamenco dancing was fun to watch. It was unlike anything I have ever seen. Such high energy – so fast-paced – so fun!

Flamenco Dancers

As per the restaurant’s request, photography was only allowed during the first five minutes of the show. It is my hope that the few photos I was allowed to take show just how enthusiastic, active, and fun the flamenco dancers and musicians were to watch!

Flamenco Dancers

Before the show began, we even had a news reporter from a Spanish TV station come in to report about the restaurant! Judging from the angle they were shooting at, I don’t think Jorge and I made it into the background, unfortunately.

Spanish News Reporter

It was cool for Jorge and me because our table happened to be right in front of the table where the flamenco dancers and singers would sit during their breaks between performances. I couldn’t understand their quiet conversations in Spanish, of course, but you didn’t have to be proficient to recognize the support and praise they would show one another after successfully completing a song or dance.

Our dinner date table

Our dinner was delicious, the show was fantastic, and the whole combination made for an excellent night out. Just as fair warning, the Corral De La Moreria’s dinner, and the show do not come cheaply as the whole experience costs just under 200 Euros for two people. More specifically, the show cost about 38.90 per person and for the meal another 39.90 per person. Our total was 190.70 based on the foods we chose. Jorge’s parents were gracious and generous enough to treat us as they felt it was important that I experience a traditional Spanish flamenco show before leaving Spain.

Corral De La Moreria Flamenco

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