The Famous Lingering Garden of Suzhou, China

Last Updated on May 30, 2021

Our stay in Wuxi was short. From Wuxi, we took a short bus ride to the city of Suzhou.

Suzhou is located just west of Shanghai. It is known for its rivers, bridges, and classical gardens. The first place we went to was the Suzhou Silk Factory. The tour was so incredible that I wanted to devote an entire post to the amazing information we learned about the production of silk.

From there, we drove to the Classical Lingering Garden.

The Lingering Garden occupies over 23,300 square meters. It is one of the four most famous gardens in all of China. Our phenomenal tour guide explained how the Lingering Garden was built for housewives to enjoy since they had sensitive feet and were unable to venture far away from the property.

The garden was built with wonderful care and creative intent to keep the wives from becoming bored. There was a stone garden where each of the animals from the Chinese zodiac could be found if you looked carefully. When I squinted, I (think) I was able to identify the rabbit and the pig.

Following the garden, we drove to Shang Tang Jie and did some shopping!


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