Picked Up a Moleskine Voyageur For My Trip to China

Last Updated on May 30, 2021

I really owe Moleskine a huge *thank you* for making finals week in college much less stressful. I recently purchased my first notebook from them not too long ago and in many ways, it made college significantly easier for me.

I could go really in-depth about why my Moleskine was so useful, what I liked and disliked about it, and how I made it work best for me but those are all topics for a post some other time. (Still have one more exam to study for!)

In the meantime, I just wanted to share that I recently ordered another and it finally arrived today. The Moleskine Voyageur is my early “Congrats, you made it” gift to myself for surviving the hardest semester of college I’ve ever faced.

I used up a good portion of my first Moleskine while studying for my science exams. I was happy to be putting the notebook to good use but by the time I was finished, biology and chemistry took up more than 2/3 of the pages.

Knowing that I could definitely use a nice notebook over the summer, I looked into getting a new one. Since a large portion of my summer is going to be spent traveling, I thought the Moleskine Voyageur would be a fun investment! (I was tempted to buy the same Moleskine Product Red again but with such a great selection to choose from, I thought it would be better to try something new. Plus, I’d hate to run out the door and pick up the wrong notebook by accident.)

I was actually a little surprised to see that the Voyageur is slightly smaller than the Product Red Moleskine. I didn’t realize this when I ordered it online but I actually appreciate the extra portability. I plan on bringing it with me to China and Indiana this summer so the smaller size was a welcomed surprise. It also has a total of three ribbons for saving your page which is so incredibly useful.

Before I leave for China, I want to brush up on my Chinese. I’ll practice drawing Mandarin characters in my Voyageur before I go! 🙂 I also can’t say whether or not I’ll have internet access when I’m in China so if I can’t blog digitally, I’ll certainly consider handwriting posts in my Moleskine which I could later photograph and upload whenever I finally DO have internet access. We shall see.

Moleskine Voyageur Traveller’s Notebook, Hard Cover, Nutmeg Brown (4 x 7)


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