Travel Summary: China in 2 Weeks

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Huh? What Do You Mean I’m Going to China!?

Realizing what I was looking at, I SCRAMBLED for my phone and IMMEDIATELY called home.


Now that my dream trip has now come to an end, I have created this page to organize all of the most popular stories from traveling in China. I am listing them in chronological order.

As a college student, I’ve just traveled around China for 2 weeks…. basically… for free!

My journey included visiting major cities like Shanghai and Beijing, as well as touring smaller villages like Wuxi, Suzhou, Wuzhen, and Hangzhou!

Flying to China

Written During My 26 Hour Journey to China


I’m thinking about everything I’ve done since I’ve gotten on this airplane and I really cannot fathom how I’m going to keep myself busy for another whole 7.5 hours…

A Chinese Pocket Dictionary Just In Case!

Touring China

Shanghai, China

Our Nestle Water Bottle Factory Tour

Chinese Sidewalks Twist Your Ankle One Step at a Time


My Visit to the Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai

The elevator quickly brings you to the top. My ears popped 5 times as the altitude rapidly increased. When you get out, the walls are all made of glass and there’s a nice view of the whole city.


Small Animal Keychains in China Should Be Banned

Each individual keychain contains a small bag of air, partially filled some sort of a colored liquid, and a living animal trapped inside.


Hangzhou, China

I’m Bringing Home Authentic Dragonwell Green Tea

My friends and I visited another city in China called Hangzhou. We enjoyed a nice tour of a local tea village called the Long Jing Tea Plantation at Mei Jia Wu.


Wuxi, China

We Left Shanghai to Explore Wuxi and Other Small Villages

Suzhou, China

Touring the Suzhou Silk Factory

Our tour guide told us we could touch, feel, and hold the silkworms if we’d like. At first, I was hesitant but I did end up picking one up. It was kind of clingy.


My Crush on the Chinese Ice Cream Guy

His phone’s camera app put a box around both of our faces and when he snapped the photo, it outlined both of us with little hearts. LOLLLL. Guess my crush had a crush too! 😉


My Stroll Through a Chinese Farmers Market


The Famous Lingering Garden of Suzhou, China

Reflecting on Gay Rights in China

Wuzhen, China

To Wuzhen, Hangzhou, and Beyond

In the city of Wuzhen, life revolves around water. There are streams that flow between the city’s streets. Water lines the buildings and helps the villagers get around.

Beijing, China

The Weirdest Translations I Came Across in China



By the time we got there, my legs already hurt. I wasn’t sure if I could handle climbing the Great Wall of China anymore….

The Great Wall of China

Photo Jun 13, 10 54 47 PM
Until we meet again one day!

Thank you, people of China, for making this trip unforgettable.

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The Rocky Safari