My Blog’s Year in Review: 2016 Edition

Last Updated on March 27, 2021

In terms of travel, 2016 was my busiest year yet! Travel destinations included Aruba, Canada, Saint Martin, Mexico, and Spain (that’s where I am right now!)

Check out my annual Year in Review: 2016!

Year in Review: 2016

This blog has experienced a large number of changes in 2016 both in terms of front-end and back-end design. I would love to hear back from my readers on how the reading experience has been for you. The comment sections are always open and messages may be directed to me using my Contact Me or About Me page. Comments containing constructive feedback are very much appreciated.

The Year in Review is an annual publication on this blog showcasing one or two of the author’s favorite posts from each month. For additional reading, please refer to the Archives located in the right sidebar for month-to-month listings of posts in chronological order. The posts are also accessible by categories which are accessible via the main menu located at the top of the page.

Read My Blog’s Year in Review 2016

See also…

My Blog’s Year in Review 2015
My Blog’s Year in Review 2014

My Blog’s Year in Review 2013

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